Paul Jarman
Alcohol and Substance Misuse Coordinator
I joined the NHS as an oncology nurse in 1998 working with leukaemia patients before moving to the national centre of cancer treatment centre in Newcastle. As ward manger I had operational lead for a wide range of acute services before taking up post in harm reduction in drug and alcohol services. After management in drug and alcohol services I worked in mental health services with management of early intervention in psychosis, assertive outreach, community treatment teams and physical treatment teams working with some of the most complex and vulnerable individuals.
Within these teams I worked not only with individuals but with their families gaining an extensive knowledge and experience of the physical, social, and psychological impact on families concerning substance misuse and mental health. Qualified to master’s degree in advanced nursing, a nurse prescribing qualification and a BSc hons degree in psychology I have an extensive knowledge and ability to work under the current Health and Social Care Act (e.g., safeguarding vulnerable adults; clinical governance, data protection, information governance).
The past 3 years I have worked in Health Protection for UK health security agency (public health) as a senior health practitioner. Within this role I again worked with some of the most vulnerable individuals and their families affected by covid 19 as well as other health protection threats such as polio, hepatitis, Ebola and avian flu.
During this period, I worked for the Community Peer Mentor project as a volunteer helping individuals through the covid 19 pandemic. Within the UKHSA I also qualified as a mental first aider and as a wellbeing lead supporting staff and other individuals in time of need .
Throughout my career I have lead planning development, delivery and evaluation of partnership programmes and initiatives to promote health and well-being across all sectors and in line with agreed local and national priorities in substance misuse and mental health. In my spare time I also work as a vaccination nurse at present when required helping with covid 19 vaccinations.
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